HomeAgain Pet Microchip Identification System and Recovery Service
We offer microchip identification as a means of permanent identification for your pet. We use the HomeAgain microchip. Microchipping can be done on an out patient basis and many clients elect to microchip when their animal is spayed or neutered. A tiny microchip, the size of a grain of rice, is implanted between the animal’s shoulder blades. This procedure takes just seconds and is relatively painless, and is recommended for companion pets of all species, breeds and ages.
Individual numbers are registered in the national database managed by the HomeAgain Pet Recovery Service. When a lost pet (cat, dog, etc.) arrives at a participating animal shelter or veterinary clinic, a universal scanner is used to identify the unique encoded number on the implanted microchip and the owner is identified and contacted immediately.
We scan all strays for a microchip in an attempt to reunite them with their owners.
Don’t forget to change your address for the microchip identification if you move!